PBIS Components

PBIS Components

Introduction to PMS Trojans and the HERO Model

The Trojans

The Trojans are from an ancient city named Troy which was an ancient people who are thought to have been based in modern-day Turkey around the 12th or 13th Century B.C. The story goes that Prince Paris of Troy and Queen Helen of Sparta fell in love, so she left her husband and homeland to be with the Prince. The Spartans then started a war with Troy to get Helen back.

The city of Troy was well-defended with a very high wall, so it was difficult to attack. Hector leads his people against the invading Greeks in the Trojan War. Hector was forced to do so because his brother Paris stole Helen of Sparta. In Greek mythology, Hector is a Trojan prince, hero, and the greatest warrior for Troy during the Trojan War. He stood out as a person who helped defend the wall, even to the end of his life. Because of how steadily the Trojans and Hector defended their city, they are known as heroes. A hero is someone who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

Thus, our PMS slogan is HERO, which stands for:

  • HONOR Safety
  • EMBRACE Responsibility
  • RESPECT Everyone
  • OFFER Help

Be a HERO at Pottstown Middle School

What does being a HERO look like at Pottstown Middle School?

  • HONOR Safety: Students will keep body parts and objects to self
  • EMBRACE Responsibility: Students will take accountability for their work and actions
  • RESPECT Everyone: Students will treat others the way they want to be treated
  • OFFER Help: Students will become active members of their family, school, and community
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