Public Participation in Board and Committee Meetings

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month from the Pottstown School District!!

Public Participation in Board and Committee Meetings

Public Participation in Board Meetings Introduction



There are THREE ways to make a public comment during a PSD Board or Committee Meeting: 

  1. WRITTEN: If unable to attend the meeting to deliver a public comment, send in the comment via Google form prior to the PSD Board or Committee Meeting
  2. VIRTUAL/REMOTE: Deliver public comment live virtually at a PSD Board or Committee Meeting via Zoom
  3. IN PERSON: Attend a board meeting at 230 Beech Street, typically on the 3rd Thursday of the month, during the agenda item marked "Hearings from the Patrons". 

Written Public Comment

Let your voice be heard!  The School Board of Directors welcomes your comments on school-related matters. You are always welcome to attend Thursday night Committee or Board meetings to make a live comment, but for those who are not able to attend meetings, please feel free to provide a public comment for Board review through this Google form.  CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE FORM. 

  • Before Board meetings, these comments will be assembled and sent to School Board members. 
  • Comments involving names of specific students should be avoided and will be routed to the appropriate department for response. This is to ensure privacy and FERPA regulations are appropriately followed.
  • Depending on the comment, the Administration may respond to comments at their discretion.
  • Electronic comments received after 12:00 p.m. will be provided to Board members following the meeting for their review.
  • This feature is still in compliance with Board policy, therefore only Pottstown residents/taxpayers and employees are eligible to make comments.

Virtual/Remote Public Comment

Participants will deliver their comments live during the public comment section of the meeting. The individual comment shall be limited to not more than 3 minutes. Register below no later than 6 PM on the day of the meeting that you wish to attend.

  • Policy/Personnel & Curriculum Committee Meetings
    Register Here  *Please be sure to register for the correct date
  • Facilities/Finance & PR/Community Engagement Committee Meetings
    Register Here  *Please be sure to register for the correct date
  • School Board Meetings
    Register Here    *Please be sure to register for the correct date

In Person - Public Comment and Participation in Board and Committee Meetings

The Pottstown School District Board of Education recognizes the need for members of the public to provide comments and opinions to the members of the Board of Education regarding agenda items for designated meetings and on education in general.

  • Speakers are asked to come to the podium, stating their name and address.

  • Speakers are limited to three minutes each. The Board requests that, when possible, all individuals supporting a like position on a topic select a speaker to present their common views to avoid repetition. If that is not possible, all are welcome to speak.

  • Speakers are limited to taxpayers, residents, or employees of this school district. It is asked that speakers observe proper decorum, without personal attacks towards a specific individual or individuals. It is not the custom for the Board to enter into a dialogue at these meetings about concerns. However, the Board does listen with care to issues raised. Speakers may receive responses by the administration or Board President.

  • All public commenters sign in ahead of time, whether by signing up on zoom or signing in on the comment sheet at an in-person meeting. When we announce that we are at the time for public comment you can come to the podium if we are in person, or you can raise your hand if we are on zoom, and we will unmute you. The Board President or Committee chair will then ask you to state your name (and home address), remind you that you have 3 minutes, and let you know that this is a time to share your thoughts or concerns and for the board to listen and take in feedback. When your three minutes is up, the President or Chair will let you know. After your comment you will be moved (back into the waiting room.)

Resolving Problems or Concerns

As per Board policy, if a student, parent, community member, or even an employee, has a problem or concern with operations or decisions made, he, she, or they should seek to resolve the issue directly and at the lowest level possible. This means that if someone has a problem with a classroom situation, they should resolve it with the teacher, the principal, and so on through the chain of command. The Board of School Directors do not address specific student or operational matters and have directed conflict and problem resolution through appropriate student, community, employee policy. 

Watch or Attend

Monthly School Board Meetings are held in person at 230 Beech Street, Pottstown, PA. (See left menu for meeting calendar)

Committee Meetings are currently being held virtually
All meetings are live-streamed to our PSD Facebook page found HERE. Those who do not have a Facebook account are still able to watch the live stream by visiting our Facebook page.

All meetings are recorded and can be found in our Board Docs & Video Library.

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