What is Title I?
Title I is the nation's oldest and largest federally funded program, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Annually, it provides over $7 billion to school systems across the country for students at risk of failure and living at or near poverty.
What are Title II and Title IV?
The purpose of Title II is to provide supplemental activities that strengthen the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school leaders. We use this funds at Pottstown School District to provide extra support and reduce class sizes in the first and third grades, who have the largest number of students. Title IV supports student and academic enrichment. We opt to use these funds as part of Title I support.
What Pottstown School District buildings receive Title Funds?
Barth Elementary
Franklin Elementary
Lincoln Elementary
Rupert Elementary
Pottstown Middle School
Pottstown High School
Selection Criteria
Our schools test students three times a year using Acadience Reading. The Acadience Reading Test is a series of short assessments given to determine a child's mastery of foundational reading skills. There are various sub-tests given depending on the grade level and time of year. The Acadience Reading Test is administered three times per year (Fall, Winter and Spring).
The teachers at the schools use the information from these tests to decide what to teach the students. Learning to read words with accuracy, fluency, and expression are precursor skills to being able to understand a text.
Parent and Family Engagement
The Pottstown School District understands that family engagement is crucial for student success in the school district. It fosters a collaborative relationship between families and educators, centered around supporting the child's academic and social-emotional development. When families are actively involved in their child's education, research shows increased student achievement, improved attendance and behavior, better social-emotional skills, and higher graduation rates. Effective family engagement requires educators to build positive relationships with families, get to know their unique circumstances, and create meaningful opportunities for families to collaborate and provide input. Federal laws like the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) mandate that schools meaningfully engage families and ensure they have influence in their child's education.