P.R.I.D.E is a FREE academic and educational enrichment 21st CCLC programs offered in the Pottstown High School and Middle School for students in grades 5-12. These programs provide a safe environment for students during the critical times referred to as “out of school time” hours. Students are offered academic support to reinforce math, science and English skills. In addition, students get to choose their own educational enrichment activities such as:
P.R.I.D.E (Pottstown Recognizes Innovative Driven Education)
Academic Enrichment Opportunities, Tennis/Greater Pottstown Tennis & Learning, STEM/Robotics/Coding, College/Career Readiness and Exploration/YWCA, Hands-on CTE Exploration, Visual Art and Textiles/ArtFusion Health, Nutrition, Wellness, CrossFit/Unfinished Athletics, Dance/Pottstown Dance Theatre, Kung Fu/Red Cloud Kung Fu, Board Game Design, Implementation and Marketing, Extended Library Hours and Literary Circle (reading and discussion) and Garden Group with an opportunity to obtain a Jr. Master Gardener certificate/Mosaic Land Trust
What is the importance of afterschool programs?
Afterschool programs keep kids safe, boost student success, help parents keep their jobs, and improve at home and classroom behavior. Students achieve more, productivity goes up and risky behaviors go down.
Being a participant in in these program helps to ensure educational growth, thereby increasing the chances of graduation and post-secondary success.
P.R.I.D.E offers students guidance and mentoring as they take steps to high school and post-secondary education. Students learn how to investigate careers, technical schools and college majors.
Pottstown's PRIDE before & after school program is FREE for all Pottstown Middle School students. PRIDE offers students hands-on career and technical education and college readiness guidance. This program is offered 6:30-710 a.m. and the end of the school day until 5:00 p.m. See the PRIDE flyer attached below for more information and the opportunities available. FREE busing home is offered to students of the Pottstown Middle School.
Students in the morning program at the Pottstown Middle School will participate in the school’s FREE breakfast program.
Students in P.R.I.D.E after school programs will be offered a FREE after school snack.
P.R.I.D.E is funded by a grant provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Education.