PSD Virtual and Alternative Learning (VAL) Academies

PSD Virtual and Alternative Learning (VAL) Academies

Pottstown Virtual and Alternative Learning (VAL) Academies

Pottstown Virtual and Alternative Learning (VAL) Academies offer tuition-free online classes for grades K–12. The district utilizes Imagine Edgenuity for grades 6-12 and Pearson Connexus for grades K-12. Either of these platforms are an ideal choice for families considering online learning from home or cyber school options. Either of these platforms are an ideal choice for families considering online learning from home or cyber school options as they both offer students the opportunity to learn at any time, any place at a flexible pace and provides the necessary tools to be successful in their skill development and pacing for graduation.

Imagine Edgenuity and Pearson Connexus provide online classes for core curriculum, AP, elective, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and credit recovery are based on the rigor and high expectations of state, Common Core, and Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) standards. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has determined that Imagine Edgenuity’s and Pearson Connexus’s curriculum and instructional model are equivalent to face-to-face courses in length, content, and rigor, and are approved for use by student-athletes pursuing division-level clearances for college athletics.

Pottstown School District families opting for online learning or considering cyber school can rest assured that their children are receiving a high-quality education that not only supports academic achievement but also cultivates essential skills necessary for future success in an increasingly digital world.

How Do I Apply?

Students must be registered with Pottstown School District. If interested in transitioning to online classes, parents or caretakers can contact the student’s grade level counselor or building principal to discuss a referral. Please note, students with IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) must meet with their education teams to address if online instruction is appropriate for their individual needs. 


If you are interested in learning more about these different programs please contact us.

Contact Information

Dr. LaTanya R. White
230 Beech Street
Pottstown PA 19464

Rachel Borchelt

230 Beech Street

Pottstown, PA 19464

(610) 970-6690

Example of VAL Student Experience


FAQ about VAL


Attendance: Can I support my child to be successful?

While online classes offer flexibility, students must log in and work on their classes each school day. High school students are recommended to work for a minimum of 1 hour per class per day. 

Support from online teachers and tutors is available and encouraged for families to use. However, parents and guardians play a crucial role in monitoring attendance and assignment completion in Pottstown VAL Academies. Responsibility for compliance with state attendance statutes and regulations belongs to the parents or guardians when students are enrolled in these programs.

Work completion: Are these classes a good fit for my child?

Online classes are designed to be self-paced. Students that struggle with being self-directed, asking for help, or work completion may struggle in the format of these classes. 

How Do I Apply?

Students must be registered with Pottstown School District to apply. If interested in transitioning to online classes, parents or caretakers can contact the student’s grade level counselor or building principal to discuss a referral. Please note, special education students with IEPs (Individualized Education Plans) must meet with their education teams to address if online instruction is appropriate for their individual needs. 

Questions to Consider

Does my child read at grade level?

Is my child comfortable using technology?

Is my child self-motivated and capable of working independently?

Is my child capable of managing their time effectively for at least 1 hour per class per day?

How can I support my child to ensure they log in and engage in classes daily?

Does my child have strong organizational skills to manage assignments and deadlines?

Will my child actively seek help from online teachers and tutors when needed?

How will I ensure my child completes their assignments consistently?

Is my child prepared to communicate effectively through online tools like WebMail and chat?

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