Full Day 5 year Old Kindergarten Attendance

Full Day 5 year Old Kindergarten Attendance


There have been changes in Pennsylvania school laws regarding mandatory attendance. Children enrolled in Kindergarten now fall under the same attendance laws as all children in school. The School Laws of Pennsylvania classify all absences as illegal except for the following reasons: illness of the pupil, death in the immediate family, impassable roads, weather so inclement as to endanger the health of the child and other exceptional cases.

When a student returns from an absence, he/she must present to the classroom teacher a written note from a parent, guardian, doctor, or a hospital with a reason for the absence. If the student does not submit this written note within three (3) consecutive school days of his/her return to school, the absence is marked unlawful. Parents/guardians will be notified by letter from the school when their child reaches a cumulative total of four (4) absences. After seven (7) total absences, the school will again send notification by letter that a doctor’s note will be required for all subsequent absences for the remainder of the school year. Should a doctor’s note not be provided, the absence will be deemed unlawful.

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