Classroom Behavior Plan

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month from the Pottstown School District!!

Classroom Behavior Plan

Classroom Behavior Plan

We use a clip chart.
  • Each student starts their day on green (Ready to Learn).
  • If a student makes good choices, he/she will move up the chart.
  • If a student makes a poor choice (breaks a school rules), he/she will move down the chart.
  • The student has the chance to move up and down the chart all day.
  • When the child has had five days of GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE and PINK, the child will be able to pick a prize from the prize box.
  • Each day not on GREEN or above, may keep the student out of the school wide behavior reward assembly at the end of the month.
Below is an explanation of the colors on the chart.
  • Pink is "Outstanding."
  • Purple is "Great Choices."
  • Blue is "Good Choices."
  • Green is "Ready to Learn."
  •   Yellow is "Warning." 
  •   Orange is "Consequence." (Student takes 5 minutes to reflect and the teacher will choose a consequence.)
  •   Red is "Parent Contact." (Student takes 5 minutes to reflect, the teacher will choose a consequence and a phone home call will be made.
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