Keeping the peace at Barth

 Brandon Danzig & Scarlet McElroyEach year at Barth Elementary School two students are selected by their classmates to receive the Peacemaker Award. It is given to recognize good citizenship and character it is considered one of the highest school awards. Recipients represent character by displaying pride in their behavior, standards and reputation. The award is sponsored by the 1st Presbyterian Church who have supported Bath students,staff and families for over 20 years. This year's honnorees are Scarlet McElroy and Brandon Danzig. Read for yourself what the honorees classmates have to say about them and you will know why we say, proud to be from Pottstown.

Brandon Danzig:
This student is helpful. One time we were working on a project and I was having trouble, he came over and asked if I needed help because I was having trouble on my own. Another student added he is a caring person. He helps people stay safe. They also witnessed this boy asking people to follow the rules because he said, “I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.” He is responsible and sets a good example. A student noted, “If I was not focusing or distracted, this person would get me back to the right spot because he pays attention all the time.” It was also said that this person is thoughtful. He can tell if someone is having a bad day and tries to make them feel better or cheer them up. He listens and really tries to think about what the teacher is asking us to do. He is kind and smart, and helps anyone who needs it, even if he doesn’t know them that we

Scarlet McElroy :
One student wrote, “She is always nice, kind, and following the 3Rs (respectful, responsible, and ready to learn).” Another student wrote about how they saw her helping others when they needed it and giving compliments to others and never being rude to others. Another student wrote about a time when “she volunteered to be my partner when no one else wanted to. She made me feel better about myself and she showed empathy.” It was also mentioned in a couple of the nominations that this girl shares and invites students to play at recess. One student specifically mentioned that they “saw her go up to someone who was standing by themselves during recess. This girl went up to them and offered different things they could do together. They ended up playing soccer.” It was mentioned multiple times about how respectful this student is not just to her peers, but the adults too.

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