It takes skills

Pottstown High School students in the Career Technical Education Program know that the skills they are learning in school will prepare them for success in the work world. The annual state SkillsUSA District competition gave them the opportunity to showcase their talent. We are PHS Trojan Proud to announce that Austin Sundstrom earned first place in Technical Related Math, Cody Hinkle scored first place in Automotive Service Technology and was awarded a 30% scholarship to the Automotive Training Center, Dan Pittman placed third in Technical Computer Applications. Austin and Cody will compete in the state competition in April. Congratulations to the students and the teachers who prepared them! PHS program director, Theresa Baller said, SkillsUSA challenged our students to demonstrate their ability to combine classroom and laboratory experience into practical application. We are proud of how they represented our school and community. They and their teachers give us another reason to say, proud to be from Pottstown. Please help share the good news.

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