Data Driven Rodriguez Receives Global Transformational Leader Award

Rodriguez AwardPottstown School District Superintendent Stephen Rodriguez believes in using data driven decisions to create quality educational opportunities for students. His efforts were recently recognized by PowerSchool, a company that's unified technology connects school, office and home to help students realize their full potential. Nominated by the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Rodriguez was named a 2021 Global Transformational Leader Winner.

I am honored to be awarded this year's Transformational Leader Award from Power School, an international company that serves educational entities across the globe. The nomination was given in recognition of the work we have done within the district over the past few years. Specifically, our concentrated efforts in data governance: making sure that we have accurate data, and that we are using it to actually help students succeed. Usually, this type of work is detailed, difficult and thankless. It is so important for student learning and school culture but rarely celebrated. I'm so thankful that our entire team can take a public bow for years of dedication that will benefit our school community. Help share the news of another reason to say Proud to be from Pottstown.


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