Middle School Library 10,000 Stories and Counting

The Pottstown Middle School Library has been a busy place this year. Librarian Andrea Roberts happily reports that over 10,000 books have been checked out so far this year by students and staff.

Roberts said, the library is of tremendous value to our district and the students. It holds materials for everyone and this year, by tracking each month I found circulations reaching above 10,000. We surpassed where we were last year. I was able to add thousands of books to our collection to meet student reading interests. She paid specific attention to who materials were circulating to,

Roberts noted our Middle School library is where students gather for programs, classes, and clubs. Colleagues are in and out of the library to collaborate and find resources. Our library is available to students and staff every morning, throughout the day, and after school. Having an operating school library provides daily access to high-quality materials to students. So many heartwarming moments happen in our school libraries. 

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