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Today at Lincoln Elementary School

Today at Lincoln Elementary school, during recess, Mr. Peirce and Mrs. Wampole heard what sounded distinctly like gunshots.

Today at Lincoln Elementary school, during recess, Mr. Peirce and Mrs. Wampole heard what sounded distinctly like gunshots. They used their situational awareness and experience to make a split second decision to get all of their students inside and safe. A lock down was called, and the police arrived near immediately.

The sound they heard was later confirmed to be aerial fireworks from a nearby location and police gave the all clear.

This is an excellent example of vigilance that keeps our students and staff safe. I am thankful for our caring team members who take action for our students like they were their own children and I had to share it with everyone.

Have a great weekend!

Stephen Rodriguez
Superintendent of Schools
Pottstown School District

Posted Saturday, October 22, 2022