PHS student takes his voice to the next level

You may not see PHS student Aiden Kancianci on the TV talent show The Voice ( well not just yet but he is headed that way )  But you can hear him perform at the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 11 Choir Festival. 

Every year, the PMEA hosts an audition process for students in 10-12th grade. Each school begins auditions at the district level, combining students from neighboring schools to audition for a spot in that year's Choral Festival. 

This year, 12th grader Aiden Kancianic successfully auditioned at Upper Merion High School and placed 5th out of 29 other students on his voice part. Aiden will proudly be representing Pottstown School District at the upcoming District 11 Choral Festival, hosted by Pottsgrove School District on February 8th, 2025. At this festival, he will have the chance to re-audition for a spot in the 2025 Regional Choral Festival. 

Want to hear for yourself what an outstanding voice he has and have another reason to say, proud to be from Pottstown? Check it out;

2024/2025 PMEA District 11 Choral Festival 

Pottsgrove Middle School 

February 8th, 2025


Help share the news an example of hard work paying off and another reason to say,proud to be from Pottstown. 

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