Inter-County Band The German Report

Thanks to our Middle School Band Director, Mrs Katie German for her report that will give all of us another reason to say, proud to be from Pottstown. 

The Pottstown music program was well represented at the 69th Annual Inter-County Band Concert at Boyertown Middle School West on Saturday, January 25th. This Concert Band is comprised of select 7th-9th grade band students from the following school districts: Boyertown, Methacton, Owen J. Roberts, Perkiomen Valley, Phoenixville, Pottsgrove, Pottstown, Spring Ford and Upper Perkiomen.

Pottstown participants:

Lucy Zuniga, 9th- Flute
Meleena Bisram, 9th- Flute
Clara Johnson, 8th- Clarinet
Jayden Mattis, 7th- Clarinet
Aiden Ondik, 8th- Alto Saxophone
Royer Rodriguez, 9th- Trumpet
Lily Zuniga, 8th- French Horn
William Rose, 9th- Trombone
Owen Yocom, 9th- Euphonium
Thomas Rose, 8th- Tuba
Levi Jaycox, 9th- Percussion
Ronan White, 7th- Mallet Percussion

Lucy Zuniga and Aiden Ondik were given certain part assignments that required them to audition for their seating arrangement. They both earned 2nd chair in their sections.

Also performing in the concert was the Inter-County Jazz Band. This is a highly selective auditioned group. Representing Pottstown was Jayden Mattis on Tenor Saxophone, William Rose on Trombone, and Ronan White on Bass Guitar.

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