Trojans Forever

If you’ve ever seen one of our district t-shirts, you know We believe Once a Trojan a Trojan Forever. Being teammates on a Trojan athletic team helps to build that strong sense of pride that carries from high school into the adult world.

As members of the PHS girls soccer team Amira Mohamed PHS class of 2013 and Kiersten Cruz class of 2015 built a lifelong bond. They worked together for team success.

Fast-forward to 2024 the same teammates are still on the soccer field only this time as opposing coaches. When Pottstown Middle School girls soccer team coached by Cruz stepped onto the field at Perkiomen Valley she faced Mohamed as the opposing coach.

After the game, both coaches reflected on the experience and their time as teammates.

Mohamed said, from teammates to coaches, Kiersten has always been a pleasure to work with. I’ve always had a deep appreciation for her passion and craft towards soccer. When I was given the opportunity to coach this year, she was one of the first people I thought of. Now, having played against one another, I am even more excited for what's to come next. Graduating from PHS has given me the tools to become the coach I am today. Without the variety of activities offered, I wouldn’t have been prepared to multitask during soccer and the school day as a professional at the middle school level . 

Cruise observed, transitioning from being teammates to rival coaches has been a great experience. There’s a deep mutual respect and understanding of each other's skills and strategies sharpened by our experiences at Pottstown High School. It is exciting to see us both give back to the sport we love. Engaging in activities at PHS allowed me to build lasting friendships and networks. The support from my former teachers and coaches motivated me to give back and become a role model and mentor for the next generation. Ultimately, reflecting the lasting legacy of those who supported me. 

The moral of the story once a Trojan Trojan forever more reason to say proud to be from Pottstown.

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