Trojan Times

Trojan Times

The Trojan 9

The Trojan 9( the 9 students who portray Trojan Man ) have decided to pick a charity of choice and work together to raise money for that charity. 
The Trojan 9 will be in charge of prepping, running and recapping all events that they decide to hold under my supervision. Some of these events will be high school only while other events will be district events.
The charity of choice for the Trojan 9 is CONNOR'S CURE; a foundation at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh that focuses on fighting pediatric cancer. Additional information on Connor's Cure can be found at the link below.
Students have also created a personal fund raising page for the Trojan 9 and Connor's Cure. When we hold events, we will be mailing in a check to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and it will be credited to their personal fund raiser page.
I am looking forward to seeing how this new adventure with the Trojan 9 turns out! 

Spirit Week Rampage Tour

Autism Speaks Walk



School Spirit Photo Booth

Pink Out 2k15

Kahoot Trivia!

Trojan Man Photo Booth

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