

Pottstown School District Transportation

The purpose of the Transportation Department is to provide safe, affordable, and efficient transportation to all eligible students consistent within the requirements of federal and state law and school district policy. This is accomplished by utilizing district owned vehicles, contracting services, and coordinating with other school districts on shared routes. PSD and contracted vehicles are monitored by a Global Positioning System (GPS) to help ensure an efficient and safe transportation system. Our GPS equipped vehicles enable the district to track the location, direction and speed of our vehicles.

BUS BEHAVIOR Fare Paying Bus Agreement Rules and Schedule

Please note: Bus times will often fluctuate by a few minutes regularly, as students are added or removed from a bus route as needed. Families are reminded to have students at the bus stop at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled time. Families should expect to be notified when a time change exceeds 15 minutes difference, including a date on which the change will take effect. 

Contact information for the Transportation Department: 

  • CMD 610-323-5020

The district recognizes the rights of nonpublic school students and provides transportation to those students as required by law. Transportation for homeless students is arranged if necessary. Middle and high school students are bused on fare paying buses through CMD Services. For information on bus routes, schedules, and tickets for middle school or high school students, call CMD Services at 610-323-5020 or click on the link listed on the right. 

The privilege of riding a school bus is contingent upon student behavior and observance of the student code of conduct

PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION For Families Interested in Additional Alternative for School Transportation

Important Notice

If we do not transport your child to school in the morning, we will presume the child is absent and he/she will not require transportation at dismissal time. 
However, if you transport your child to school in the morning but will require transportation home, you must notify the Transportation Department at 610-323-5020.
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