Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment

Community College/Dual Enrollment Program

Dual Enrollment is a Pottstown High School program that allows qualified seniors to enroll in courses at Montgomery County Community College while still in high school. In accordance with requirements at Pottstown High School , students who qualify may apply for admission to a select number of courses. The school district will provide a list of approved students to Montgomery County Community College or other college every semester. Students are required to take the appropriate Montgomery County Community College placement tests and meet prerequisite requirements for selected course.

Tuition for three-credit courses is provided, in full or in part , by the dual enrollment grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The High School Administration will determine the number of students to be funded each year, as well as the allowable courses students will be able to enroll in at a college institution. Pottstown High School , through the dual enrollment grant, will pay for a part or all of the tuition, fees, and books, as provided by the grant.

Pottstown School District Requirements for Dual Enrollment


ü To qualify, students must have very good attendance. To maintain enrollment in this program, students may have no more than ten days of absence at the high school or the college. (Students who exceed this quota due to extended illness may reapply.) Participating colleges will monitor attendance by a form signed monthly by the professor of the course or some other agreed upon method.


ü Students must score advanced or proficient in the PSSA’s , and/or other standardized exam administration required for PSSA preparation (such as the foresight benchmark exams).

ü Students must maintain a “C” or above grade point average at both Pottstown High School and Montgomery County Community College

ü The participating college will provide mid-semester progress reports in time to meet Pottstown High School ’s reporting deadline.

ü Student transcripts must be sent directly to Pottstown High School


ü Students must maintain good school citizenship. Past year discipline records will be considered. Students may forfeit their place in the program due to disciplinary issues. Since participation in this program is the highest privilege a student can attain, and the student will be granted tremendous liberties not granted other students, permission to enroll is based on the sole discretion of the High School Principal.

Course Options  

ü Exact courses and meeting times will be available based on the college course offerings timeline.

ü Students must have availability in their schedule for courses resulting in scheduling for no more than eight credits for the school year.

ü At the completion of the college course, students will have completed a high school graduation credit requirement and will have earned college credits. Final approval will be from the Pottstown High School principal.

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