7 White Team Life Science

7 White Team Life Science

What is Life Science and What Can You Expect

     Welcome to the 7th Grade White Team Life Science Class.  This course will allow you to study, investigate, and explore living organisms.  Through out this school year we will check out how living organisms are grouped.  We will be able to discover why animals are animals and not protists or why bacteria are not viruses!  Will investigate cells.  Cells are the building blocks of all living organisms.  You will be able to find out why you need to keep your mitochondria working or why your nucleus is the boss of your cells.  We will study the different life kingdoms that we interact with each day from bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, to animals.  You will become an expert microscope operator that can focus into the living world that you cannot see with the naked eye!  Welcome to your living world!          
 For class you will need:
   *a pencil with an erase 
   *and most importantly, a positive attitude open to learning!!
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